The Australian University Scrabble Score Rankings

Introducing our groundbreaking higher education league table: the Australian University Scrabble Score Rankings - where every word counts!

Our methodology is simple and faultless. Bantshire data experts have placed every Australian university on the scrabble board, and ranked them based on their score.

Cut through the league table noise with the University Scrabble Score Rankings.

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The Australian University Scrabble Score Rankings

Ranking University Scrabble score
1 Queensland University of Technology 60
2 Swinburne University of Technology 54
3 University of Technology, Sydney 53
4 University of Southern Queensland 52
5 University of the Sunshine Coast 45
6 Federation University of Australia 44
7 University of New South Wales 43
8 University of Notre Dame Australia 42
=9 Australian Catholic University 41
=9 University of Queensland 41
=11 James Cook University 40
=11 University of Western Australia 40
13 Western Sydney University 39
=14 Macquarie University 38
=14 Charles Darwin University 38
=14 University of South Australia 38
=17 University of New England 36
=17 University of Wollongong 36
=17 University of Divinity 36
=20 University of Newcastle 35
=20 Carnegie Mellon University 35
=20 Edith Cowan University 35
=23 Australian National University 34
=23 Southern Cross University 34
=23 University of Sydney 34
=23 Griffith University 34
=23 University of Melbourne 34
=28 University of Canberra 33
=28 Charles Sturt University 33
30 Torrens University Australia 32
=31 University of Adelaide 31
=31 University of Tasmania 31
=31 Murdoch University 31
=34 CQ University 29
=34 Victoria University 29
36 Flinders University 28
=37 Deakin University 27
=37 Monash University 27
39 La Trobe University 25
40 Curtin University 24
41 Bond University 23
42 RMIT University 22
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